After launching a survey on our networks asking about the topics that they want to be informed about and learn more about, today I am going to tell you about minimalism.
For us, the best way to understand minimalism is to see it as a synonym for simplicity.
That's the way it is, sometimes we confuse simplicity with ease and in reality it's the opposite, to live a simple life you need a lot of work, it takes a lot of work to be intentional, not to go with the flow, or act on autopilot.
The rhythm of life that we have today makes us focus much more on successes, achievements, but above all on accumulating things. And I tell you something… we are addicted to things, we love things.
The message of minimalism is so strong that it makes us realize that we are full of the wrong things and short of the things that do matter. The more you have of wrong, the less you have.
Reflect on each object you have in your life and ask yourself, does this really add value to my life? Give it a try, the more you ask yourself, the more drive and motivation you will have to start adopting minimalism. The more you do it, the freer, happier and lighter you will feel.
See it this way, it is not taking anything to the extreme and living on bread and water. It is simply having a more organized life, that the things we have really add value to our life or make us very happy.
I am going to speak without knowing, but it is very likely that you have many things that you brought into your life to make you happier and they are not fulfilling that objective, GET RID OF THEM!
We are going to propose to have a life with intention, not a perfect or easy life, but a simple life without complications.
As time goes by, you will feel that you have an abundance of happiness, an invisible abundance that you can notice in your time, space, and joy. Maybe you realize that everything you need, you already had.
All this roll complements a part of our message as a brand. When we talk about wanting to transform the way we dress into a simpler , more comfortable and sustainable one, we associate the simple part with giving a meaning of real value to our way of dressing, and at the same time we merge it with the message of minimalism, have few high-quality garments.